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When it comes to Facebook advertising, are you following the best practices? Are you making the most of ad placement, image use, or even keywords? We asked ourselves these same “hard” questions and quickly realized we were losing out on an amazing opportunity to position ourselves in front of thousands of followers. That was until […]
Customer service can be hard to fit in when you’re always on the go. But, automating it can lose that personal feel your customers deserve. We went digging for a true customer service gem, a tool that would make it easier for you and one that you can rely on. And, guess what? We found […]
How much are you paying for marketing? But, really the more important question is… How much time are you spending on marketing? Since time is money, automating your marketing solutions can be just what you need to take your business to the next level. That’s exactly what we did when we tapped into… Addictive Tool […]