In today’s digital age, your customers are bombarded with content all day – every day. From the emails they get (piling up in their inboxes), to the social media sponsored ads in their newsfeeds, even to the SMS notifications pushed straight to their mobile devices, it quickly becomes clear that…
Content is king.
And, if you’re not cranking out a steady stream of content promoting your business, showcasing your competitive offerings, and educating your target audience – you will be left behind.
As an entrepreneur, it is already hard enough to stay on top of day-to-day business tasks just to keep your business running. So, the thought of having to produce massive amounts of engaging and relevant content can seem almost impossible.
I know I felt the same way too. Which is why I quickly started losing ground to my competition. While I saw businesses in my industry generating 2–, 3–, sometimes even 5 blogs a week, I was barely getting one written and posted a MONTH!
When you consider that the average American is checking their phone up to 150 times a day and spending 3.5+ hours online, you can’t afford not to be producing content every day.
Here’s the #1 trick to getting tons of content.
I was in the traditional mindset that no one could produce content for my customers, within my industry, or tailored to my business. After all, I started the company, so I was the instant expert, right? But, man was I wrong!
See, I was the bottleneck. I didn’t have time to write content, let alone even research or think about what I should write. I have a pretty lengthy marketing background, but writing to sell or convince someone was never my forte. Plus, it would take me hours to get the right words and the right message on the page – time I needed to allocate elsewhere.
Your proven content-producing machine.
After seeing my competitor’s blogs and social media posts come on my Facebook timeline for what seemed like the 15th time in 3 days, I had enough. I couldn’t keep losing ground because I didn’t have the bandwidth to produce content. So, I took the plunge and outsourced all of my content, all of my writing, all of my social media management – everything.
And, what normally would have taken me 4-6 hours to do, was now done in 2 hours, for literally under $30.
I went from having a few poorly written pieces of content to having an entire library of over 50+ blogs, a dozen press releases and expertly-written social media posts plugged in and ready to post.
All in under a month!
Here’s how it worked…
The Baltimore-based freelance writer I hired would do the research, write the blog, and post it on my website. Then, my virtual assistant pushed the content on all of our social media outlets and PR platforms.
With that outsourced team in place, I was able to crank out 2-3 blogs a week, a press release every 2 weeks and have all of my social media handled for literally pennies on the dollar.
And, not only did my online presence drastically improve, I was able to stay in front of my current, former, and new customers while effortlessly generating solid leads.
But, here’s the harsh truth…
If you’re not producing at least a blog a week, you are falling behind.
Your customers need to be reminded (over and over again) that you’re there with products or services to make their lives easier. They need to be “coached” along the buying process and by having content to stay in front of them, you’re able to increase your sales with minimal effort. Because if new customers need 6 to 8 touch points before buying, sending out scheduled content is the best way to quickly hit this threshold.
Want to learn exactly how you can get an outsourced content team in place today to start cranking out content by tonight? Register for our free Masterclass Webinar: Secret Growth Weapons of the Modern Entrepreneur and we’ll give you the ins and outs of how to leverage outsourcing to explode your business. Click here to get started.
Top 5 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Outsource
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